Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

The book that I am going to review is My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
It is about a family the Fitzgerald , how they deal with a very sick child in the family. It is an uplifting, emotional , sad and a powerful story.Sara Fitzgerald a mother of three and an ex lawyer is a very hardworking and loving mother. But her daughter, Kate was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia at the age of two. They rush to the hospital where they learn that Kate suffers from APL,a subgroup of myleoid leukemia and the percentage of survival is 20-30%. Kate needs stem cells and bone marrow but noone in the family is a match for her, so Sara has no choice but to persuade her husband Brian to try for a perfectly engineered baby that would be the exact DNA match to Kate, as she is in desperate need for bone marrow in order to survive.Throughout the years Kate manage to stay alive because of her concieved sister, Anna. Anna has a very close bond and is a loving sister to Kate. From the day she was born when the doctors took the blood from Anna umbilical cord she has not question why she has to go to the hospital or refused whenever Kate needs her bone marrow. Then at the age of thirteen Anna realises that she does not want to donate a kidney to her sister anymore after the countless surgeries that she has undergone. So she seeks a solicitor, Campbell Alexander to file a lawsuit for medical emancipation. He agrees to help Anna. When Sara finds out she is furious with Anna and demands her to drop it, but Anna is determined for the medical emancipation. Sara has no choice but to represent herself and her husband in the lawsuit. Brian who is a firefighter but also has a passion for astrology understand how Anna is feeling. Meanwhile Kate is back in hospital again in need for a kidney transplant. Dr Chance said that she will need one soon or else she will die too, he also says that Kate is too weak for the operation and the stress of it could also kill her. Despite that Sara still wants Anna to donate the kidney to her sister. Ignored for most of his life because of her sister's illness is Jesse who is a delinquent and spends most of his time setting buildings on fire. In the novel we understand why he is ignored and near the end Brian discovers that he is setting fires to buildings but forgives him. Since Anna is not old enough to help make decisions a guardian ad litem is assigned for her by Judge DeSalvo. In the novel we see that her guardian ad litem ,Julia , had a romance relationship with Campbell Alexander during their high school years. But Julia was heartbroken when Campbell left her without an explanation. There are some heated moments and loving moments between the two throughout the book. While in hospital Kate meets a guy , Taylor who is two years older than her and has AML. They soon get to know each other very well and ends up going to the hospital's dance together. Tragically Taylor dies and Kate is left heartborken.
During the trial it is that revealed that Kate persuaded Anna to sue for emancipation because she believes that she will not survive the operation. Judge DeSalvo rules in favor of Anna and grants Campbell medical power of attorney. After the trial Campbell drives Anna home but their car is hit my an oncoming truck. The incident leaves Anna with brain damage and Campbell suffers from an arm injury. The doctors informs them that the machine keeping Anna alive may aswel be switched off and they should consider organ donation. Campbell, being the medical power of attorney for Anna says Anna would want her kidney donated to her sister. Kate survives the operation and goes into remission. Most of Anna's organs are used for transplant in the future.
Jesse, whom has been involved in so many crimes changes and graduates from police academy.
For six years Kate stays in remission and Campbell marry his love, Julia.
Anna dies for her sisters life.

Personal Opinion:
Every now and again I read a book that really gets to me, one that touches me deep to the core and leaves me thinking still thinking about the book long after reading it and really breakout your emotions, well my sister's keeper is definitely one of them. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and have to say it is one of my favorite. I still feel joy and love for the family even though it ends with a sad ending. It really is an uplifting and emotional novel and i would recommend it to anyone.

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