Thursday, March 31, 2011

Music night and liffey champion

Last night was the schools anual music night. The Ty's sang Mama Says by Dionne Bromfield . We spent most of the time after christams practising this song.The song is very catchy especially the chorus and we also added in some choreography with it. We were the third act after the interval. Everyone wore all black. I thought it went really good but it felt like it went really fast! We also got our photos taken for the liffey Champion yesterday. It was for the girls who won awards for mini company, Maragaret Alyward Drama, Briery Gap Drama, the rugby blitz and the blog award.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Judges Award!

Last monday we went to the osprey hotel for the TY mini company competition. There were four groups from wolstans that went , The Just Desserts, Baby Cakes, Knot a problem and Utensilise. We went into the hall to set up and there were 18 mini companies in total all from Kildare. We were judged three times by different judges; finance, innnovation and presentation. The interviews went on for two hours. The last hour was the award ceremony. The Just Desserts won 'The Judges Award'! I'm so proud of my group and I, all that hard work has paid off! We received a trophy and €100. Also from St Wolstans Knot a problem got runner up! 'Poppies' from Clane received the presentation award. Mini company was a great experience and it gave me an idea of how it would be like to run a business!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yeats and bog bodies museum and national art gallery!

today we went to the Yeats and bog bodies museum and the national art gallery. It was good we left about half 9 and amina and emnet were separated for the first two tours yeats and the bog bodies. Emnet went to the bog bodies first. We learnt about the bronze age and what people used to wear as jewelery such as gold torcs. Then the tour guide guided us to see real bog bodies .It was pretty gruesome, one man had his head chopped off and all that remains is the middle part of his body. It was remarkable to be able to still see his fingernails and his hands in such detail. Another was believe to have been hit several times in the head by a hammer and you could still see his hair and beard! It was really interesting. Then Emnet and Amina swapped over and we went to the Yeats museum. Although literature is does not excite me i found it quite interesting to learn about Yeats life and the amount of women that he was in love with.
After that we were given a hour to go for lunch. I went to McDonalds with my friends then we walked around since it was such a lovely day. I couldn't believe how warm it was! After lunch we walked to the National Arts museum where we were taken around by a guide to look at the different paintings by artists such as Jack Yeats. The paintings were very good.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Work Experience 7th-11th march

I went to NUI maynooth for three days and two days in Dublin Dental Hospital for my work experience.
NUI Maynooth was great. I went with Jessica and another girl from Lucan. We were given different jobs to do everyday day mostly work to be done in the labs. In the mornings we set up the apparatus for the First Year students eperiments. This included putting down handouts on the benches, filling up bottles of chemicals that were required that day, cleaning surfaces and unlocking cabinets. One of the days we were given glass tubes to melt over a bunsen burner and stretched into long pieces of thin glass for an experiment. We all burnt our fingers :( We also watched the lab professors demonstrate experiments such as adding glucose to potassium which causes it to turn in to flames. Another day I was shown where the labs got nitrogen from and what they use it for. Overall I had a great experience and I consider doing chemistry next year.
The last two days I spent was in Dublin Dental Hospital. It was a different experience as I had to get the bus to town up and back on my own where else my mother usually drives. It was not hard to find my way to the place. I was given a dental gown ,a mask and goggles, that must be worn all the time as we were dealing with patients . Most of the time I observed the dental students work on their patients,some were doing fillings, crowns , pulling out a tooth ,tacking out stitches and examining infected gums. I was also taken down to the x- ray rooms to see how x-rays were done on patients. From my experience I think that this might be the career path for me but I learnt that this is a very hard working job as you start at 9 and finish at 5.

Eileen <3

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mini company competition!

Yesterday all mini companies went to clane GAA for the county enterprise board competition. We were given til 10 oclock to set up our stands. There were a lot of mini companies from clane, lexlip and wolstans. Our group, 'The Just Desserts' was one of the first one to be judge. It went better than i thought , the judge was friendly and he asked us general questions about our company and the progress. I walked around the hall to look at other mini companies.
Today we found out who got through to the county finals. Seven groups were picked and four of them are from wolstans,The Just Desserts, Baby Cakes , Knot a problem and Spoover!
The final is on 14th of March in the Osprey hotel. Looking forward to it :)

Eileen <3