Friday, October 22, 2010

Dress up day (Halloween)

the theme for ty was people from scary movies. Lots of girls in the class dressed up but i didnt. i think the scariest was mia because she dressed up as the grudge :/...her face was reali white and her eyes reali darks....every1 else was also brillant aswel lik ailbhe who was cruela deville and leah ghostbusters. :)
People from other classes were also very and their costumes were creative.

Happy Halloween !!! :D

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ty mini company

For TY mini company my group and I are doing cookbooks. It is called' The Just Desserts'. We have decided to only include desserts in it and it will be divided into sections such as Christmas, Halloween etc.
At the moment I am searching for websites where we can put up our own website with tutorials,and photos.
In my gorup I am the finance manager which involves calculating the cost of everything and a budget.
Yesterday we had started to make some of the desserts that will be in the cookbook and we also took photos of them.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Geography project

I have chosen Italy for a place that i would like to go for my geogarphy project.
I chose it because I've always wanted to go there and i want to find out where to go in italy and what attractions are there.
Italy is a beautiful country. I want to go to Rome especially to see the Coliseum and the Sistine chapel.
Here is a picture of The Coliseum

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